Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Marriage, Kidney Stones and Faith!!!

The last couple of weeks have been very challenging to say the least. There has been so much good to come out of it though I don't know where to start. Every marriage has highs and lows, valleys and mountaintop experiences. Natalie and I feel like we have pretty much had a safari all across the mountain at times. We have had seasons in our marriage where it felt very routine, and seasons where everything felt new again. The one thing I have learned about marriage is that the longer you're married and the more work you put into it the meaning of true love rises in both of your lives. Natalie and I attended a wedding last weekend and we were talking on the way over how they have no idea what to expect. The best counselor could not prepare them for the day to day life with your spouse. But we prayed that like us 8 years later they would truly know and understand the word love and sacrifice. Not that we have it down but with each new day we learn and live these words together. Natalie posted this on her Facebook a couple of hours ago...

See you and me have a better time than most can dream of, have it better than the best and so can pull on through whatever tears at us whatever holds us down and if nothing can be done will make the best of what's around......forgot how much I love this song. It reminds me so much of us! Love you♥ Crockett Davidson

Of course she is quoting Dave Matthews Band and that is what makes our loves special!!!!

On a more painful note I have a kidney stone that is inching her way down right now and the pain is pretty much awful. But every time I have one of these I am very thankful. Seriously!!!!! I pray without ceasing, I trust God and maybe I know what it means when Paul says, "There is a thorn in my flesh." I don't think he meant a kidney stone but you never know!!!!

I just want to give you some encouragement... Trust God!!!! He is so faithful and he always keeps his word and there is nothing out there that deserves your trust or faith like God. I know many are going through hard and scary times but God values you so much and I pray that you would just trust him with everything. For real, EVERYTHING!!! Having a relationship with God is indescribable and trusting him with the smallest details of your life is so worth it. Where do you need to trust God more? Is there an area of your life that you like to control? Do you believe him when he says, "I will take care of you..." or do you doubt?

1 comment:

  1. I miss you all so much and i hope to be able to see you soon!!!! By the way it is Haylee Wicks you can visit me at www.hayleewicks.blogspot.com
